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Lomonosov-2025 32nd International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov" City Москва, Россия Venue MSU Registration Until 6 april 2025 23:59 Author: 13 Jan - 9 Mar 2025 23:59 Co-author: 13 Jan - 9 Mar 2025 23:59
Submitted applications Section All sections The Vanguard of Digital Public Administration: Data Economics and Technological Leadership-- Artificial intelligence and digital transformation in business and public administration-- Digital economy and advanced data management technologies-- Human resources management in the digital age: automation of HR processes-- Digital communications and artificial intelligence in public administration-- International standards for digital governance and digital transformation-- Public administration in sports and the international Olympic movement-- Regional and sectoral development in the context of digital transformation-- Creative industries and the digital economy: strategic approaches-- Innovative economics and industrial policy-- Digital transformation of education and new learning technologies Bioengineering and bioinformatics-- Bioengineering and Physicochemical Biology-- Bioinformatics-- Early drug development Biology-- Anthropology-- Developmental biology-- Biophysics and nanobiotechnology-- Biochemistry-- Botany. Higher plants-- Virology-- Genetics-- Hydrobiology and general ecology-- Zoology of invertebrates-- Zoology of vertebrates-- Cell biology and Histology-- Mycology and Algology-- Microbiology-- Molecular Biology-- Neurobiology and physiology of GNI-- Environmental protection-- Structural biology and bioengineering-- Plant physiology-- Human and animal physiology-- Ecology and geography of plants-- Экология и география растений-- Entomology The future of the planet and global environmental changes-- New materials and technologies for sustainable development Asian and African Studies-- Ancient and Mediaeval History of Asia and Africa-- Early Modern History of Asia and Africa-- Modern History of Asia and Africa-- Theory and History of International Relations in Asia and Africa-- International relations and foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region-- International relations and foreign policy in the Middle East-- International relations and foreign policy in Central Asia-- International relations and foreign policy in Africa-- Russia and countries of Asia and Africa: Bilateral and Multilateral Relations-- Social and Political Processes in Modern Asian and African States-- Islamic Studies: History, Culture, Religion and Politics-- Buddhist studies: History, Culture, Religion and Politics-- Philosophy, Religious and Cultural Studies of Asia and Africa-- History and Cultural Anthropology of Asia and Africa-- Linguistics (Asian and African Languages)-- Theory and History of Literature in Asian and African Countries-- World Economy and International Economic Relations in Asian and African Countries-- Economics of Asian and African Countries-- Round Table Discussion “Energy Studies (Asia and Africa)”-- Round Table “Investment climate and entrepreneurship in Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “Quantitative Methods in Economic Studies of Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “Democracy, Authoritarianism and Civil Society in Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “Territorial Disputes, Border Conflicts, Integration and Disintegration in Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “New World Order of the 21st Century and Issues of International Security in Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “Military History, Armed Conflicts and Security in Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “Historical politics, information wars, propaganda and mass media in Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “New Challenges for Asia and Africa”-- Round Table Discussion “Current Issues of African Studies” Computational mathematics and cybernetics-- Mathematics-- Probability and Statistics-- Programming and Computer Science-- Data Analysis-- Computer Graphics-- Optimization and Control-- Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Geology-- Actual issues of oil, gas and coal geology-- Geocryology-- Geology, Geochemistry and Economy of ore deposits-- Geophysics-- Geochemistry-- Hydrogeology-- Dynamic Geology-- Engineering Geology-- Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry-- Mineralogy-- Marine geological, geophysical and geochemical studies-- Petroleum sedimentology and general lithology-- Paleontology-- Petrology and volcanology-- Oil and Gas Field Development-- Regional Geology and Earth History-- Seismic and Geoacoustics-- Digital technologies in oil and gas industry-- Ecological Geology-- Natural Resource Management and Environment (subsection for High-school and pre-college level students)-- Actual issues of geology Geography-- Hydrometeorology-- Environmental science and nature management-- Economic, social, political geography and tourism-- Physical geography, cartography and GIS-technologies-- School geographical researches State and municipal administration-- Current challenges and trends of legal regulation in the area of public administration-- Corporate Finance and Crisis Management: current practice-- Challenges in human resources management-- Russia in geopolitical and geo-economic processes in Greater Eurasia-- Environment Protection Management and National Resources Rational Use-- Innovations in public administration at the present stage-- Artificial Intelligence in Economic Management-- History of Public Administration-- Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Modern Public Administration-- Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Confessional Relations in Russia and Abroad-- Public Policy and Governance in the Context of Geopolitical Uncertainty-- Russian youth: self-determination in the new reality-- Current Trends in the Development of Regional and Municipal Administration Institutions in Russia-- Current Problems of the World Economy and foreign economic activity State Audit-- State Audit: History and Modernity (in honor of the 270th anniversary of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the 30th anniversary of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian-- Financial regulation and control-- State financial control: economic and legal aspects-- Ensuring Russia's Financial Security: Financial Investigations in the digital economy-- Financial and tax law in the digital economy-- Computer law and information security-- Figures, Finance and Law - the view of a young scientist (together with the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation)-- Ensuring the economic security of the state in the context of modern global challenges: economic and legal aspects (jointly with the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University)-- Neural networks in the scientific work of a student (jointly with the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after M.F. Reshetnev)-- Economic and legal professions in the digital State (for students of vocational Education and Training)-- Round table for schoolchildren "Comprehending audit" Journalism-- Literary process and journalism: history, criticism and political journalism-- Mass media in Russia and foreign countries-- Advertising and public relations-- Strategic Communication-- Stylistics of media language-- Editing of media texts-- Socilology of Mass Media, Media Economics and Media Law-- Innovative communications in creative industries-- Visual Communication-- Juvenile journalism in the mass communication system-- Modern Media managment (subsection of Belarusian State University)-- Media Image of Russian history. Myths and reality-- Ecological communication (subsection of Saint Petersburg State University)-- Foreign media language Innovative Economy and Econometrics-- Associate professor's section Econometrics of Ivin Evgeny A.-- Professor's section World economy and economic growth Glinkina Svetlana P.-- Economic development and political systems-- Financial- economic strategy in the current economic conditions-- The international economy in current conditions (in English) Innovative natural resources management Foreign Languages and Area Studies-- Cultural studies-- Regional studies-- Methods of teaching foreign languages-- Linguistics Art Criticism and History-- Semiotics and General Theory of Art-- Historical Art Studies-- Stage Arts-- History of Music-- National Artistic Traditions History and Art History-- History of Medieval Russia to the end of 18th century-- History of Russia in 19th – early 20th century-- Soviet and post-Soviet history-- History of the CIS countries-- History of Ancient civilizations-- Medieval studies (Western Europe and Byzantium)-- Modern history of European and American countries-- Contemporary history of European and American countries-- History of Southern and Western Slavs-- Digital history (Historical Information Science)-- Archaeology and Ethnology-- History and theory of art-- Ecclesiastical history-- History of social movements and political parties-- History of diasporas and migration processes-- Archaeological and legal aspects of the protection of archaeological heritage Space research in modern conditions-- Mathematical Models in Space-- Theoretical and Applied Issues in Earth Remote Sensing-- Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining-- Current Management Issues in the Aerospace Sector-- Earth – Knowledge – Stars-- -- -- Mathematics and mechanics-- Aeromechanics-- Real, complex and functional analysis-- Computational mathematics, mathematical modeling and numerical methods-- Computational mechanics-- Gas and wave dynamics-- Geometry and topology-- Hydromechanics-- Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics-- Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control-- Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory-- Mechanics of composites-- Applied mechanics and control-- Theoretical mechanics and mechatronics-- Probability theory and mathematical statistics-- Theory and methods of teaching mathematics-- Theory of plasticity-- Theory of elasticity International relations and global studies-- The history of foreign policy and diplomacy-- Modern global political processes-- Sustainable development and global problems-- Global economy: development prospects-- Problems of managing global migration processes-- Features of socio-cultural globalization-- Energy diplomacy in international relations-- Modern challenges and threats to international security-- Global regionalization as the basis of the multipolar world-- Russia's place in the system of international relations-- Russia and European countries: search for cooperation opportunities-- The English-speaking world and the East: linguacultural perspective World politics-- International security: space and world politics-- International security: new and traditional challenges and threats-- International energy security-- International organizations and global political processes-- Political and social-economic processes in Eurasia-- Regional problems of international relations: The West-- Regional problems of international relations: The East-- Information support for foreign policy-- International communications Models of analysis of languages and cultures of indigenous peoples of Russia Pedagogical Traditions and Innovations in the History of Culture and Education-- The value foundations of modern Russian education-- Neural networks and generative artificial intelligence in education-- Psychological aspects of education and inclusive education in modern conditions-- A teacher, scientist, and teacher during the Great Patriotic War was an example of courage and patriotism-- Teacher education: individualization and personification in the context of digital transformation of education Political sciences-- Politicization of non-political spheres in the modern world: trends and technologies-- Politics in the historical process-- Memorial Wars: Legacy of the Past, Contradictions of the Present, Projections of the Future)-- Political knowledge in the modern era: new directions and methods-- Russia in the face of confrontation with the «collective West»-- Contemporary Politics in a Coflictogenic Digital Space-- Gamification in the political process: structure, properties, functions, dynamics-- Artificial intelligence technologies in modern politics-- Present day Russian Statehood: New Challenges and Development Strategies-- State-civilizations in the emerging polycentric world order: a comparative analysis-- Foreign history of social and political thought-- Russian history of social and political thought-- Political textology-- Youth Policy in modern Russia: social, psychological and managerial aspects-- Political and psychological peculiarities of political processes in modern Russia and in the world-- Russia's Foreign policy in the context of a special military operation: new views-- What's it worth: price and values in economic policy-- Topical issues of social and political development: the view of young researchers (Section of SSS and YSC) Soil Science-- Subsection «Soil Biology»-- Subsection «Soil Ecology, Genesis and Evolution»-- Subsection «Soil Rationing and Certification. Land Assessment»-- Subsection «Soils of Urbanized and Anthropogenic Landscapes. Problems of Soil Pollution and Revegetation»-- Subsection «Preservation and Increasing of Soil Fertility»-- Subsection «Soil Physics. Soil Erosion. Information Technologies in Soil Science»-- Subsection «Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy»-- School subsection-- Round table «Carbon polygons: background, goals, first results»-- Soil-environmental researches on carbon polygons of the Russian Federation Teaching Russian language and general education subjects to foreign students-- Young scientists-- Natural and engineering science (for international students)-- Economic science (for international students)-- Natural and engineering science (for international students) Psychology-- Actual problems of neuropsychology-- Actual problems of sports psychology-- Group and personality: space of communication and interaction-- Clinical psychology (pathopsychology, psychosomatics, psychology of corporeality)-- Cognitive psychology-- Organizational psychology-- Mental health in a changing world-- Psychological counseling and psychotherapy: theoretical research and applied aspects-- Psychology and psychocorrection in the sphere of mental development of children and adolescents-- Psychology of personality in a changing world-- Psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution-- Developmental psychology and age-related psychology in the face of global challenges-- Family psychology in the modern world-- Psychophysiology, cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence-- Modern problems of psychology (subsection for school students)-- Actual issues in educational psychology-- Differential Psychology: Current Research-- Problems of resocialization and psychological assistance-- Psychology of Motivation and Emotions: New Research-- Extreme Psychology-- Psychology of cognition and creativity-- Practical social psychology-- Labour and engineering psychology-- Psychology of the digital world-- Human and Artificial Intelligence: Who is the User of Another?-- Information technologies in psychology: virtual reality and eye tracking-- Psychology and culture: value-semantic aspects-- Methodology of modern psychology: research paradigms-- Neural Networks of Communication: How the Brain Forms a Negotiating Position The challenges of preserving the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Russian Federation Public relations and theory of communication-- Communication in Contemporary World-- Public Relations Management in Business-- Public Relations Management in Governmental Institutes-- Internet Communications-- Decision Making: Strategies and Social Practices of Communication-- Media in Russian School Social research and modernity-- Modern social transformations: factors, conditions, results-- Constructing the image of Russia: theoretical, methodological and practical aspects-- The sociology of new media and digital methods of analyzing the social processes of new media-- Socio-economic aspects of modern migration processes of the population-- Socialization of Russian youth in a changing reality: norm and deviation-- Modern features of Russia's demographic development-- Social aspects of economic processes-- Management in the information Society-- Human resource management in the digital civilization-- Sociology of religion: values, beliefs, and identities-- "Artificial societies"-- Sociology of Politics-- Sociological projects of novice researchers (Section for students in grades 10-11) Sociology-- Modern sociology-- Public policy-- Economic sociology and management-- Social technologies in management of social processes-- Sociology of state management-- Sociology of education-- Sociology of family and demography-- Sociology of communication Television-- Television in the current paradigm of modernity: from art classics and history to new audiovisual media Theory, history and methodology of translation-- General theory of translation, history and methodology of translation-- Digital technologies in multilingual communication-- Comparative-contrastive linguistics and discoursology-- Literary translation: methods and criticism-- Intersemiotic translation: strategies, methods, techniques Business management in the digital economy Business Administration and Entrepreneurship Physics-- Acoustics-- Astrophysics-- Atomic and Nuclear Physics-- Biophysics-- Geophysics-- Mathematics and Computer Science-- Mathematical modeling-- Medical Physics-- Molecular Physics-- Nonlinear Optics-- Optics-- Radiophysics-- Superconducting and electronic properties of solids-- Solid state nanoelectronics-- Solid state nanoelectronics-- Theoretical Physics-- Physics of Space-- Physics of magnetic phenomena-- Physics of the Solid State-- MSU School «Photonic and Quantum Technologies. Digital Medicine»---- Quantum technologies---- Photonic technologies---- Digital Medicine Physico-chemical engineering-- Engineering materials science and new energy technologies---- New technologies and materials for renewable sources and energy storage devices---- New materials for hydrogen energy---- Environmental aspects of materials science and new materials for environmental protection---- New materials for additive technologies---- New materials for electronics and aerospace technologies-- Physico-chemical engineering of biosystems---- Chemosensors and biosensors---- Biodegradable polymers and materials for biomedical applications---- New methods of diagnosis and assessment of disease severity---- Creation of innovative functional compounds and nanomaterials, computer-aided molecular design, mathematical modeling in molecular biology---- Search and study of the mechanisms of action of neuroprotectors and cognitive function stimulants---- Natural biologically active substances and their analogues, synthesis of physiologically active substances---- Development of promising prototypes of target-oriented medicines---- Photodynamic therapy---- Medical Chemistry-- Petrochemistry and gas chemistry---- Modern methods of oil and gas purification and processing---- The use of biotechnologies in oil and gas chemistry---- Industrial hydrocarbon synthesis processes---- Environmental aspects and clean technologies in oil and gas chemistry---- Synthesis and physico-chemical properties of polymers from petroleum products---- New materials for the petrochemical industry---- Energy-saving technologies in the petrochemical industry---- Catalysis in the petrochemical industry---- Membrane technologies---- New approaches to waste disposal in the petrochemical industry---- Modern methods of analysis in the petrochemical industry-- Physico-chemical Engineering school Philology-- Russian Language-- Russian for Foreign Students-- English Philology-- Byzantine and Romaic Philology-- Germanic and Celtic Philology-- Ibero-Romance Philology-- Classical Philology-- German Philology-- Romance Philology-- Philology of Slavonic Languages-- Finno-Ugric Philology-- French Philology-- Language life, geolinguistics and artificial languages-- History of the World Literature-- History of the Russian Literature-- History of the Russian Literature of the XX-XXIcc.-- General and Contrastive Linguistics, Psychology of Language-- Russian Folklore-- Theoretical and Applied Linguistics-- Theory of Discourse and Communication-- Theory of Literature-- Philological Study of Text Translations-- Experimental Linguistics-- Language and Languages in the Internet Communication Philosophy. Cultural studies. Religious studies. Applied ethics-- Ontology and epistemology-- Logic-- History of foreign philosophy-- Aesthetics and philosophy of art-- Ethics-- Philosophical anthropology-- History of Russian philosophy-- Philosophy and methodology of science-- Social philosophy and philosophy of history-- History and theory of world culture-- Cultural studies-- Philosophy of religion and religious studies-- Philosophy of education: current contexts-- Philosophy of language-- Philosophy of policy and law-- Bioethics and Applied ethics-- Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences and Artificial Intelligence-- Contemporary popular culture studies-- Contemporary popular culture studies-- Biology, medicine and philosophy: common problematics of disciplines-- Philosophy of Technology-- -- Fundamental Medicine-- Clinical medicine-- Experimental research-- Regenerative medicine-- Young researchers (for schoolchildren) Fundamental Materials Science and Nanomaterials-- Functional Materials and Nanomaterials I (junior students)-- Functional materials and nanomaterials II (senior students)-- Functional materials and Nanomaterials III (graduate students and young scientists)-- Metals, ceramics and composites. Biomaterials Chemistry-- Analytical chemistry-- Polymers-- Colloid and interface science-- Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry-- History of chemistry, methodology of chemistry education-- Catalysis-- Quantum chemistry and molecular structure-- Inorganic chemistry I (students)-- Inorganic chemistry II (PhD students and young scientist)-- Organic chemistry-- Radiochemistry and radioecology-- Chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics-- Chemical technology and new materials-- Chemistry of living systems, nanobiomaterials and nanobiotechnologies-- Electrochemistry, high energy chemistry, spin chemistry Economics-- Institutions and Development-- Economic history and history of economic thought-- Corporate Finance-- Macroeconomics-- Marketing-- Networks in Economics and Management: Theory and Practice-- Methodological Problems of Modern Economics-- Population and Economics-- Risk management and insurance: new challenges and opportunities-- Strategic management and Regional Economy-- Accounting, analysis and audit-- Financial institutions and Financial instruments.-- Agricultural economics-- Innovation economics-- Industrial organization and competition policy-- Environmental, energy and biotechnology economics-- Socio-economic aspects of service sector development-- The future of labor and social-labor relations: opportunities and limitations-- Household Finance: Financial Literacy-- Economic Strategy for the Development of Russia in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice in the New Reality-- Strategic Management: From the History of Management Thought to Modern Challenges-- Political Economy and the New Comparative Economics Jurisprudence-- Current issues of administrative law and procedure-- Current legal issues in Austria and Germany (in German)-- Current issues of English and US law (in English)-- Current issues of French law (in French)-- Current issues of modern international law-- Alternative dispute resolution-- Civil law-- Intellectual property rights-- Law school students' research projects (grades 10-11)-- History of the state and law of England and the USA-- History of the national state and law-- History of political and legal doctrines-- Criminology-- LegalTech. Digital criminology-- Private international law-- General problems of the history of the state and the law of foreign countries-- Law and the Media-- Legal informatics, information and digital law-- Legal regulation of labor and social security relations-- Law enforcement agencies and prosecutorial supervision-- Business law-- Problems of State building and territorial administration-- Problems of the constitutional system and the constitutional status of the individual-- Religion and law-- Roman Law-- Family Law-- Sociology of Law and Comparative Law-- Theory of the State and law-- Commercial law: comparative legal analysis-- Criminal law and criminology-- Criminal proceedings-- The educational process in student assessments: trends in the development of higher legal education-- Philosophy of law-- Financial law-- The civil process-- Environmental and land law-- Legal Clinic-- Notary in the XXI century: changes, reality, prospects-- China's legal traditions: international and national scope City Apply a filter Reset Садиков Роман Викторович Воронежский филиал РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова, Воронеж, Россия (2026) Копчиков Михаил Борисович Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Высшая школа государственного администрирования (факультет), Москва, Россия (2025) To beginning526527528529530
Копчиков Михаил Борисович Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Высшая школа государственного администрирования (факультет), Москва, Россия (2025)