32nd International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Format your reference list alphabetically by the author's last name, starting with Russian-language sources, followed by foreign literature, and finally, websites. Cite all sources in your thesis text with a numbered reference, e.g., [1], corresponding to the source's number in the list.
Examples for formatting references in a thesis for the "Lomonosov" conference:
For monographs:
Patsyna, V.L., & Kvasov, V.D. (2003). Atlas of Arabic phonetics and graphics. Moscow.
Nushikyan, E.A. (1986). Typology of intonation of emotional speech. Kiev; Odessa.
Dostoevsky, F.M. (1972-1989). Complete collected works: In 30 vols. (Vols. 6, 7, 9). Leningrad; Moscow.
For articles in individual publications and collections:
Knyazev, S.V. (1998). Phonetic realization of stress in various phrasal positions in modern Russian. In Phonetics Today: Current Problems and University Teaching (pp. 57-89). Moscow.
Tkachev, I.Yu. (2005). The semantic feature 'accumulator of effect' and its relevance for building a taxonomic classification of Russian verbs. In Proceedings of the XII International Conference of Students, Postgraduates, and Young Scientists "Lomonosov" (April 12-15, 2005). Vol. IV: Foreign Languages. Philology (Moscow, 2005).
Pisemsky, A.F. (1913). Feuilletons by Nikita Bezrylov. In Pisemsky, A.F. Complete Works (Vol. 7, pp. 612-625). St. Petersburg; Moscow.
For journal articles:
Pankov, F.I. (2005). Functional-semantic category of adverbial temporality and system of meanings of adverbs of time in Russian. Bulletin of Moscow University, Series 9. Philology, 2005, No. 1, 45-50.
For dictionaries:
Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Middle Urals / Ed. by A.K. Matveev. In 7 vols. Sverdlovsk, 1964-1988.
Fedorova, L.G. (2001). Quotation. In the Literary Encyclopedia of Terms and Concepts (p. 507). Moscow.
For dissertation abstracts:
Kalyuzhnaya, I.A. (2007). Concept of "childhood" in German and Russian linguistic cultures. Dissertation abstract. Cand. of Philology. Volgograd.
For websites and online sources:
Gramota.ru: http://www.gramota.ru