
32nd International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"

Москва, Россия
Until 9 march 2025 23:59
Conference Regulations.

Conference Regulations.


The International Scientific Conference of Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov" is annually organized in Lomonosov Moscow State University within the framework of the International Scientific Youth Forum "Lomonosov". The chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the "Lomonosov" Forum is the rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Academic Victor Sadovnichiy.

The Conference is aimed at developing creativity of Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young scientists, incorporating them into finding solutions to the challenges of modern science in order to preserve and develop common international scientific and educational space and establish contacts with future colleagues. 

Organization of the Conference

The Organizing Committee of the Conference monitors the general issues of preparation and convening. The work of the sections (the means and methods of application approval, organization of workshops, their attendance by experts) is supervised by the representatives of the sections and the Organizing Committees of the sections. The Organizing Committee of the Conference communicates with the Organizing Committees of the Sections through the Executive Secretary of the Conference and the executive secretaries of each section. The Executive Secretary of the Conference coordinates the work of the executive secretaries of the Sections. Organizing Committees and executive secretaries of the Sections are suggested by the Deans of the faculties and approved by the Organizing Committee of the Conference.The Organizing Committee of the conference has the right to adjust the work of the Organizing Committees of individual sessions, evaluate it and report the assessment to the administrations of the faculties.

The Organizing Committee of the conference has the right to adjust the work of the Organizing Committees of individual sections, evaluate it and report the assessment to the administrations of the faculties.

The representatives of the Organizing Committee of the sections must attend preparatory meetings for the Conference, promptly provide the administrations of faculties with the information received, timely give report on the preparation work of their sections to the representatives of the Organizing Committee of the Conference, timely and properly answer the questions of participants by email or on the on-line forum.


Participation in the Conference

The Conference welcomes Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students and Young scientists from any country of the world under the age of 35 – including Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, staff of universities and academic institutions from Russia and abroad.

The term young scientists refers to postgraduates, lecturers and assistant professors. The participation of Ph.D. and D. Sc. is regulated according to the distinction traditionally accepted in Russia: Professors and Doctors of Science cannot participate even if they are younger than 36 years old while the participation of the Candidates of Science under the age of 35 is restricted by the decisions of the Organizing Committees of particular undersections. 

If the research presented at the Conference is done in co-authorship, each of the co-authors should meet the standard requirements given above.

Co-authorship with an academic supervisor is not allowed but providing special thanks to your academic supervisor as a comment is most welcome. The number of co-authors is determined by the Organizing Committees of each particular section.

The recommendation of your research supervisor or your department is not required to participate in the Conference, however, when filling in the application, the contacts of the supervisor should be indicated in case any questions concerning your research arise.


One participant may submit only one work as an author. The number of participants from a university, faculty or department is unlimited.

Abstracts can be submitted in Russian or English; applications in other languages are not considered. The use of English should be meaningful. Abstracts containing a large number of grammatical mistakes will not be accepted.

Forms of participation (report, poster presentation, round table) are determined by the Organizing Committees of the Sections; participants will be notified of the form of their participation in advance.

The Conference will be held offline with online participation being possible at the discretion of the Organizing Committee of the Session.

The participants of the Conference communicate with the Organizing Committee of the Sections and the Organizing Committee of the Conference through e-mail and on-line forum.

The abstracts should be submitted through the electronic registration system on lomonosov-msu.ru within the deadline set by the Organizing Committee of the Conference. If the applications miss the deadline or are sent by email, they will be neither considered nor registered.

Participation in the Conference is competitive. The selection procedure is determined by the Organizing Committees of the respective sections. The Organizing Committee neither provides any reviews nor offers reasons for rejection.

Abstract Style Guidelines are determined by the Organizing Committees of the Sections. Abstract submission requirements are posted on pages containing information about the sections. Abstracts that do not meet the requirements are not considered.Publication of the abstracts is carried out electronically; Organizing Committees of individual sections print their collections of abstracts as an option.

Publication of the abstracts is carried out electronically; Organizing Committees of individual sections print their collections of abstracts as an option.

Following the results of the Sessions, the authors of the most outstanding reports are awarded honorary certificates and prizes. Besides they are granted the right of publication in the Collection of the best reports of the Lomonosov Conference. The Organizing Committees of the Sections select the best authors and the results are posted on the website of the Conference. The Organizing Committees of the Sections may also establish awards for the best reports in their specific sections.

The Organizing Committee of the Conference is responsible for the entertainment program on the Opening and Closing days of the Conference. The entertainment and scientific programs which take place during the working days of the sections are organized by the Organizing Committees of the Sections.