All sections The Vanguard of Digital Public Administration: Data Economics and Technological Leadership -- Artificial intelligence and digital transformation in business and public administration -- Digital economy and advanced data management technologies -- Human resources management in the digital age: automation of HR processes -- Digital communications and artificial intelligence in public administration -- International standards for digital governance and digital transformation -- Public administration in sports and the international Olympic movement -- Regional and sectoral development in the context of digital transformation -- Creative industries and the digital economy: strategic approaches -- Innovative economics and industrial policy -- Digital transformation of education and new learning technologies Bioengineering and bioinformatics -- Bioengineering and Physicochemical Biology -- Bioinformatics -- Early drug development Biology -- Anthropology -- Developmental biology -- Biophysics and nanobiotechnology -- Biochemistry -- Botany. Higher plants -- Virology -- Genetics -- Hydrobiology and general ecology -- Zoology of invertebrates -- Zoology of vertebrates -- Cell biology and Histology -- Mycology and Algology -- Microbiology -- Molecular Biology -- Neurobiology and physiology of GNI -- Environmental protection -- Structural biology and bioengineering -- Plant physiology -- Human and animal physiology -- Ecology and geography of plants -- Экология и география растений -- Entomology The future of the planet and global environmental changes -- New materials and technologies for sustainable development Asian and African Studies -- Ancient and Mediaeval History of Asia and Africa -- Early Modern History of Asia and Africa -- Modern History of Asia and Africa -- Theory and History of International Relations in Asia and Africa -- International relations and foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region -- International relations and foreign policy in the Middle East -- International relations and foreign policy in Central Asia -- International relations and foreign policy in Africa -- Russia and countries of Asia and Africa: Bilateral and Multilateral Relations -- Social and Political Processes in Modern Asian and African States -- Islamic Studies: History, Culture, Religion and Politics -- Buddhist studies: History, Culture, Religion and Politics -- Philosophy, Religious and Cultural Studies of Asia and Africa -- History and Cultural Anthropology of Asia and Africa -- Linguistics (Asian and African Languages) -- Theory and History of Literature in Asian and African Countries -- World Economy and International Economic Relations in Asian and African Countries -- Economics of Asian and African Countries -- Round Table Discussion “Energy Studies (Asia and Africa)” -- Round Table “Investment climate and entrepreneurship in Asia and Africa” -- Round Table Discussion “Quantitative Methods in Economic Studies of Asia and Africa” -- Round Table Discussion “Democracy, Authoritarianism and Civil Society in Asia and Africa” -- Round Table Discussion “Territorial Disputes, Border Conflicts, Integration and Disintegration in Asia and Africa” -- Round Table Discussion “New World Order of the 21st Century and Issues of International Security in Asia and Africa” -- Round Table Discussion “Military History, Armed Conflicts and Security in Asia and Africa” -- Round Table Discussion “Historical politics, information wars, propaganda and mass media in Asia and Africa” -- Round Table Discussion “New Challenges for Asia and Africa” -- Round Table Discussion “Current Issues of African Studies” Computational mathematics and cybernetics -- Mathematics -- Probability and Statistics -- Programming and Computer Science -- Data Analysis -- Computer Graphics -- Optimization and Control -- Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Geology -- Actual issues of oil, gas and coal geology -- Geocryology -- Geology, Geochemistry and Economy of ore deposits -- Geophysics -- Geochemistry -- Hydrogeology -- Dynamic Geology -- Engineering Geology -- Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry -- Mineralogy -- Marine geological, geophysical and geochemical studies -- Petroleum sedimentology and general lithology -- Paleontology -- Petrology and volcanology -- Oil and Gas Field Development -- Regional Geology and Earth History -- Seismic and Geoacoustics -- Digital technologies in oil and gas industry -- Ecological Geology -- Natural Resource Management and Environment (subsection for High-school and pre-college level students) -- Actual issues of geology Geography -- Hydrometeorology -- Environmental science and nature management -- Economic, social, political geography and tourism -- Physical geography, cartography and GIS-technologies -- School geographical researches State and municipal administration -- Current challenges and trends of legal regulation in the area of public administration -- Corporate Finance and Crisis Management: current practice -- Challenges in human resources management -- Russia in geopolitical and geo-economic processes in Greater Eurasia -- Environment Protection Management and National Resources Rational Use -- Innovations in public administration at the present stage -- Artificial Intelligence in Economic Management -- History of Public Administration -- Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Modern Public Administration -- Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Confessional Relations in Russia and Abroad -- Public Policy and Governance in the Context of Geopolitical Uncertainty -- Russian youth: self-determination in the new reality -- Current Trends in the Development of Regional and Municipal Administration Institutions in Russia -- Current Problems of the World Economy and foreign economic activity State Audit -- State Audit: History and Modernity (in honor of the 270th anniversary of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the 30th anniversary of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian -- Financial regulation and control -- State financial control: economic and legal aspects -- Ensuring Russia's Financial Security: Financial Investigations in the digital economy -- Financial and tax law in the digital economy -- Computer law and information security -- Figures, Finance and Law - the view of a young scientist (together with the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation) -- Ensuring the economic security of the state in the context of modern global challenges: economic and legal aspects (jointly with the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University) -- Neural networks in the scientific work of a student (jointly with the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after M.F. Reshetnev) -- Economic and legal professions in the digital State (for students of vocational Education and Training) -- Round table for schoolchildren "Comprehending audit" Journalism -- Literary process and journalism: history, criticism and political journalism -- Mass media in Russia and foreign countries -- Advertising and public relations -- Strategic Communication -- Stylistics of media language -- Editing of media texts -- Socilology of Mass Media, Media Economics and Media Law -- Innovative communications in creative industries -- Visual Communication -- Juvenile journalism in the mass communication system -- Modern Media managment (subsection of Belarusian State University) -- Media Image of Russian history. Myths and reality -- Ecological communication (subsection of Saint Petersburg State University) -- Foreign media language Innovative Economy and Econometrics -- Associate professor's section Econometrics of Ivin Evgeny A. -- Professor's section World economy and economic growth Glinkina Svetlana P. -- Economic development and political systems -- Financial- economic strategy in the current economic conditions -- The international economy in current conditions (in English) Innovative natural resources management Foreign Languages and Area Studies -- Cultural studies -- Regional studies -- Methods of teaching foreign languages -- Linguistics Art Criticism and History -- Semiotics and General Theory of Art -- Historical Art Studies -- Stage Arts -- History of Music -- National Artistic Traditions History and Art History -- History of Medieval Russia to the end of 18th century -- History of Russia in 19th – early 20th century -- Soviet and post-Soviet history -- History of the CIS countries -- History of Ancient civilizations -- Medieval studies (Western Europe and Byzantium) -- Modern history of European and American countries -- Contemporary history of European and American countries -- History of Southern and Western Slavs -- Digital history (Historical Information Science) -- Archaeology and Ethnology -- History and theory of art -- Ecclesiastical history -- History of social movements and political parties -- History of diasporas and migration processes -- Archaeological and legal aspects of the protection of archaeological heritage Space research in modern conditions -- Mathematical Models in Space -- Theoretical and Applied Issues in Earth Remote Sensing -- Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining -- Current Management Issues in the Aerospace Sector -- Earth – Knowledge – Stars -- -- -- Mathematics and mechanics -- Aeromechanics -- Real, complex and functional analysis -- Computational mathematics, mathematical modeling and numerical methods -- Computational mechanics -- Gas and wave dynamics -- Geometry and topology -- Hydromechanics -- Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics -- Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control -- Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory -- Mechanics of composites -- Applied mechanics and control -- Theoretical mechanics and mechatronics -- Probability theory and mathematical statistics -- Theory and methods of teaching mathematics -- Theory of plasticity -- Theory of elasticity International relations and global studies -- The history of foreign policy and diplomacy -- Modern global political processes -- Sustainable development and global problems -- Global economy: development prospects -- Problems of managing global migration processes -- Features of socio-cultural globalization -- Energy diplomacy in international relations -- Modern challenges and threats to international security -- Global regionalization as the basis of the multipolar world -- Russia's place in the system of international relations -- Russia and European countries: search for cooperation opportunities -- The English-speaking world and the East: linguacultural perspective World politics -- International security: space and world politics -- International security: new and traditional challenges and threats -- International energy security -- International organizations and global political processes -- Political and social-economic processes in Eurasia -- Regional problems of international relations: The West -- Regional problems of international relations: The East -- Information support for foreign policy -- International communications Models of analysis of languages and cultures of indigenous peoples of Russia Pedagogical Traditions and Innovations in the History of Culture and Education -- The value foundations of modern Russian education -- Neural networks and generative artificial intelligence in education -- Psychological aspects of education and inclusive education in modern conditions -- A teacher, scientist, and teacher during the Great Patriotic War was an example of courage and patriotism -- Teacher education: individualization and personification in the context of digital transformation of education Political sciences -- Politicization of non-political spheres in the modern world: trends and
technologies -- Politics in the historical process -- Memorial Wars: Legacy of the Past, Contradictions of the Present, Projections of the Future) -- Political knowledge in the modern era: new directions and methods -- Russia in the face of confrontation with the «collective West» -- Contemporary Politics in a Coflictogenic Digital Space -- Gamification in the political process: structure, properties, functions, dynamics -- Artificial intelligence technologies in modern politics -- Present day Russian Statehood: New Challenges and Development Strategies -- State-civilizations in the emerging polycentric world order: a comparative analysis -- Foreign history of social and political thought -- Russian history of social and political thought -- Political textology -- Youth Policy in modern Russia: social, psychological and managerial aspects -- Political and psychological peculiarities of political processes in modern Russia and in the world -- Russia's Foreign policy in the context of a special military operation: new views -- What's it worth: price and values in economic policy -- Topical issues of social and political development: the view of young researchers (Section of SSS and YSC) Soil Science -- Subsection «Soil Biology» -- Subsection «Soil Ecology, Genesis and Evolution» -- Subsection «Soil Rationing and Certification. Land Assessment» -- Subsection «Soils of Urbanized and Anthropogenic Landscapes. Problems of Soil Pollution and Revegetation» -- Subsection «Preservation and Increasing of Soil Fertility» -- Subsection «Soil Physics. Soil Erosion. Information Technologies in Soil Science» -- Subsection «Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy» -- School subsection -- Round table «Carbon polygons: background, goals, first results» -- Soil-environmental researches on carbon polygons of the Russian Federation Teaching Russian language and general education subjects to foreign students -- Young scientists -- Natural and engineering science (for international students) -- Economic science (for international students) -- Natural and engineering science (for international students) Psychology -- Actual problems of neuropsychology -- Actual problems of sports psychology -- Group and personality: space of communication and interaction -- Clinical psychology (pathopsychology, psychosomatics, psychology of
corporeality) -- Cognitive psychology -- Organizational psychology -- Mental health in a changing world -- Psychological counseling and psychotherapy: theoretical research and
applied aspects -- Psychology and psychocorrection in the sphere of mental development of children and adolescents -- Psychology of personality in a changing world -- Psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution -- Developmental psychology and age-related psychology in the face of global challenges -- Family psychology in the modern world -- Psychophysiology, cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence -- Modern problems of psychology (subsection for school students) -- Actual issues in educational psychology -- Differential Psychology: Current Research -- Problems of resocialization and psychological assistance -- Psychology of Motivation and Emotions: New Research -- Extreme Psychology -- Psychology of cognition and creativity -- Practical social psychology -- Labour and engineering psychology -- Psychology of the digital world -- Human and Artificial Intelligence: Who is the User of Another? -- Information technologies in psychology: virtual reality and eye tracking -- Psychology and culture: value-semantic aspects -- Methodology of modern psychology: research paradigms -- Neural Networks of Communication: How the Brain Forms a Negotiating Position The challenges of preserving the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Russian Federation Public relations and theory of communication -- Communication in Contemporary World -- Public Relations Management in Business -- Public Relations Management in Governmental Institutes -- Internet Communications -- Decision Making: Strategies and Social Practices of Communication -- Media in Russian School Social research and modernity -- Modern social transformations: factors, conditions,
results -- Constructing the image of Russia: theoretical, methodological and practical aspects -- The sociology of new media and digital methods of analyzing the social
processes of new media -- Socio-economic aspects of modern migration
processes of the population -- Socialization of Russian youth in a changing reality: norm and deviation -- Modern features of Russia's demographic development -- Social aspects of economic processes -- Management in the information Society -- Human resource management in the digital civilization -- Sociology of religion: values, beliefs, and identities -- "Artificial societies" -- Sociology of Politics -- Sociological projects of novice researchers (Section for
students in grades 10-11) Sociology -- Modern sociology -- Public policy -- Economic sociology and management -- Social technologies in management of social processes -- Sociology of state management -- Sociology of education -- Sociology of family and demography -- Sociology of communication Television -- Television in the current paradigm of modernity: from art classics and history to new audiovisual media Theory, history and methodology of translation -- General theory of translation, history and methodology of translation -- Digital technologies in multilingual communication -- Comparative-contrastive linguistics and discoursology -- Literary translation: methods and criticism -- Intersemiotic translation: strategies, methods, techniques Business management in the digital economy Business Administration and Entrepreneurship Physics -- Acoustics -- Astrophysics -- Atomic and Nuclear Physics -- Biophysics -- Geophysics -- Mathematics and Computer Science -- Mathematical modeling -- Medical Physics -- Molecular Physics -- Nonlinear Optics -- Optics -- Radiophysics -- Superconducting and electronic properties of solids -- Solid state nanoelectronics -- Solid state nanoelectronics -- Theoretical Physics -- Physics of Space -- Physics of magnetic phenomena -- Physics of the Solid State -- MSU School «Photonic and Quantum Technologies. Digital Medicine» ---- Quantum technologies ---- Photonic technologies ---- Digital Medicine Physico-chemical engineering -- Engineering materials science and new energy technologies ---- New technologies and materials for renewable sources and
energy storage devices ---- New materials for hydrogen energy ---- Environmental aspects of materials science and new materials for
environmental protection ---- New materials for additive technologies ---- New materials for electronics and aerospace technologies -- Physico-chemical engineering of biosystems ---- Chemosensors and biosensors ---- Biodegradable polymers and materials for biomedical applications ---- New methods of diagnosis and assessment of disease severity ---- Creation of innovative functional compounds and nanomaterials, computer-aided molecular design, mathematical modeling in molecular biology ---- Search and study of the mechanisms of action of neuroprotectors and
cognitive function stimulants ---- Natural biologically active substances and their analogues, synthesis of physiologically active substances ---- Development of promising prototypes of target-oriented medicines ---- Photodynamic therapy ---- Medical Chemistry -- Petrochemistry and gas chemistry ---- Modern methods of oil and gas purification and processing ---- The use of biotechnologies in oil and gas chemistry ---- Industrial hydrocarbon synthesis processes ---- Environmental aspects and clean technologies in oil and gas chemistry ---- Synthesis and physico-chemical properties of polymers from petroleum products ---- New materials for the petrochemical industry ---- Energy-saving technologies in the petrochemical industry ---- Catalysis in the petrochemical industry ---- Membrane technologies ---- New approaches to waste disposal in the petrochemical industry ---- Modern methods of analysis in the petrochemical industry -- Physico-chemical Engineering school Philology -- Russian Language -- Russian for Foreign Students -- English Philology -- Byzantine and Romaic Philology -- Germanic and Celtic Philology -- Ibero-Romance Philology -- Classical Philology -- German Philology -- Romance Philology -- Philology of Slavonic Languages -- Finno-Ugric Philology -- French Philology -- Language life, geolinguistics and artificial languages -- History of the World Literature -- History of the Russian Literature -- History of the Russian Literature of the XX-XXIcc. -- General and Contrastive Linguistics, Psychology of Language -- Russian Folklore -- Theoretical and Applied Linguistics -- Theory of Discourse and Communication -- Theory of Literature -- Philological Study of Text Translations -- Experimental Linguistics -- Language and Languages in the Internet Communication Philosophy. Cultural studies. Religious studies. Applied ethics -- Ontology and epistemology -- Logic -- History of foreign philosophy -- Aesthetics and philosophy of art -- Ethics -- Philosophical anthropology -- History of Russian philosophy -- Philosophy and methodology of science -- Social philosophy and philosophy of history -- History and theory of world culture -- Cultural studies -- Philosophy of religion and religious studies -- Philosophy of education: current contexts -- Philosophy of language -- Philosophy of policy and law -- Bioethics and Applied ethics -- Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences and Artificial Intelligence -- Contemporary popular culture studies -- Contemporary popular culture studies -- Biology, medicine and philosophy: common problematics of disciplines -- Philosophy of Technology -- -- Fundamental Medicine -- Clinical medicine -- Experimental research -- Regenerative medicine -- Young researchers (for schoolchildren) Fundamental Materials Science and Nanomaterials -- Functional Materials and Nanomaterials I (junior students) -- Functional materials and nanomaterials II (senior students) -- Functional materials and Nanomaterials III (graduate students and young scientists) -- Metals, ceramics and composites. Biomaterials Chemistry -- Analytical chemistry -- Polymers -- Colloid and interface science -- Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry -- History of chemistry, methodology of chemistry education -- Catalysis -- Quantum chemistry and molecular structure -- Inorganic chemistry I (students) -- Inorganic chemistry II (PhD students and young scientist) -- Organic chemistry -- Radiochemistry and radioecology -- Chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics -- Chemical technology and new materials -- Chemistry of living systems, nanobiomaterials and nanobiotechnologies -- Electrochemistry, high energy chemistry, spin chemistry Economics -- Institutions and Development -- Economic history and history of
economic thought -- Corporate Finance -- Macroeconomics -- Marketing -- Networks in Economics and Management: Theory and Practice -- Methodological Problems of Modern Economics -- Population and Economics -- Risk management and insurance: new challenges and opportunities -- Strategic management and Regional Economy -- Accounting, analysis and audit -- Financial institutions and Financial instruments. -- Agricultural economics -- Innovation economics -- Industrial organization and competition policy -- Environmental, energy and biotechnology economics -- Socio-economic aspects of service sector development -- The future of labor and social-labor relations: opportunities and limitations -- Household Finance: Financial Literacy -- Economic Strategy for the Development of Russia in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice in the New Reality -- Strategic Management: From the History of Management Thought to Modern Challenges -- Political Economy and the New Comparative Economics Jurisprudence -- Current issues of administrative law and procedure -- Current legal issues in Austria and Germany (in German) -- Current issues of English and US law (in English) -- Current issues of French law (in French) -- Current issues of modern international law -- Alternative dispute resolution -- Civil law -- Intellectual property rights -- Law school students' research projects (grades 10-11) -- History of the state and law of England and the USA -- History of the national state and law -- History of political and legal doctrines -- Criminology -- LegalTech. Digital criminology -- Private international law -- General problems of the history of the state and the law of foreign countries -- Law and the Media -- Legal informatics, information and digital law -- Legal regulation of labor and social security relations -- Law enforcement agencies and prosecutorial supervision -- Business law -- Problems of State building and territorial administration -- Problems of the constitutional system and the constitutional status of the individual -- Religion and law -- Roman Law -- Family Law -- Sociology of Law and Comparative Law -- Theory of the State and law -- Commercial law: comparative legal analysis -- Criminal law and criminology -- Criminal proceedings -- The educational process in student assessments: trends in the development of higher
legal education -- Philosophy of law -- Financial law -- The civil process -- Environmental and land law -- Legal Clinic -- Notary in the XXI century: changes, reality, prospects -- China's legal traditions: international and national scope