31st International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Space research in modern conditions
The conference session will consider a wide range of issues related to space exploration and the use of the results of space activities in various fields. A distinctive feature of the session is an interdisciplinary analysis of space issues from the standpoint of natural sciences, technologies, as well as social and economic sciences.
The session is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students and young scholars studying technologies, natural sciences and humanities and interested in space. The Youth subsection is designed for schoolchildren of grades 6-11 as well as first- and second-year undergraduates.
1. "Mathematical Models in Space" (Chair: Vasiliy V. Sazonov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Dean of the Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
The subsection covers the application of mathematical methods and computer technology in tasks related to various aspects of aerospace activities, including computer modeling and decision-making systems.
2. "Theoretical and Applied Issues in Earth Remote Sensing" (Chair: Professor Evgeny A. Lupyan, PhD in Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Satellite Monitoring Technologies, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)
The subsection covers a range of tasks arising from the use of remote sensing technologies: imaging planning, image processing, interdisciplinary research using orbital constellations, and data analysis.
3. "Mixed Reality and Data Mining" (Chair: Professor Artem M. Savchuk, PhD in Physics and Mathematics)
The subsection will consider a range of issues related to the use of virtual and mixed reality technologies in the field of space research and cosmonautics, namely, in the process of preparing for spaceflight, launching spacecraft, preparing cosmonauts for work in space, etc.
4. "Current Management Issues in the Aerospace Sector" (Chair: Professor Irina N. Mysliaeva, PhD in Economics, Head of the Department of Economics and Management in the Space Sector, Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
The subsection will focus on management issues and effective performance of the space sector both in Russia and in other countries, the problem of public-private partnership in the space sector, commercialization of space products, innovations and technologies, prospects and opportunities for the development of the space sector
5. "Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Systems" (Chair: Professor Vladimir A. Kartashev, PhD in Physics and Mathematics)
The subsection will consider a range of issues related to the use of machine learning methods and the application of neural networks to problems in the field of space research, astronautics and robotics, namely pattern recognition, data processing, etc
6. "Earth - Knowledge - Stars" (subsection for schoolchildren)