31st International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
References are presented in alphabetical order according to the author's surname, with Russian-language sources listed first, followed by other language sources and then websites. Each source in the body of the abstract should be referenced as [1], where 1 is the matching number of a source in the reference list.
Below you can see some particular reference examples for the proposals/abstracts submitted for participation in the «Lomonosov» Conference:
For monographs:
Patsyna V.L., Kvaskov V.D. Atlas of phonetics and Arabic graphics. M., 2003.
Nushikyan E.A. Typology of intonation of emotional speech. Kiev; Odessa, 1986.
Dostoevsky F.M. Collected works: In 30 vol. L., 1972-1989. T. 6, 7, 9.
For articles in separate editions and collections:
Knyazev S.V. Phonetic realization of stress in various phrasal positions in modern Russian // Phonetics today: topical problems and university teaching. M, 1998. P. 57-89.
Tkachev I.Y. Semantic feature 'Effect accumulator' and its relevance for the construction of a taxonomic classification of Russian verbs // Proceedings of the XII International conference of students and young scientists "Lomonosov". 12-15 April 2005 T.IV: Foreign languages. Philology. M., 2005.
Pisemsky A.F. The feuilletons of Nikita Bezrylov // Pisemsky A.F. Full. collect. op. SPB.; M., 1913. T. 7. S. 612-625.
For articles in journals and periodical editions:
Pankov F.I. The functional-semantic category of adverbial temporality and the system of meanings of adverbs of time in the Russian language // The Moscow University Herald, Ser. 9. Philology. 2005. No. 1. P. 45-50.
Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Middle Urals / Ed. A.K. Matveeva: In 7 v. Sverdlovsk, 1964-1988.
Fedorova L.G. Quotation // Literary encyclopedia of terms and concepts. M., 2001. P. 507.
For thesis abstracts:
Kalyuzhnaya I.A. The concept of "childhood" in German and Russian linguistic cultures.
Author's abstract. diss. ... cand. philol. sciences. Volgograd, 2007.
Websites and sources from the Internet: