31st International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
XXXI International Scientific Conference of Undegraduate Students, Postgraduates, and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
In 2024 the traditional International Scientific Conference “Lomonosov” of undergraduate students, postgraduates, and young scientists will be held in a mixed format from April 12 to April 26 at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The International Scientific Conference "Lomonosov" is organized within the framework of the International Scientific Youth Forum "Lomonosov-2024". The Organising Committee of the Lomonosov Forum is chaired by the Rector of Moscow State University, Academic Victor Antonovich Sadovnichy.
The main purpose of the conference is to encourage the creativity of undergraduate students, postgraduates, and young scientists, involve them in addressing the urgent problems of modern science, to maintain and develop the international scientific and educational space, and establish contacts between the future colleagues.
In 2024 the conference will be divided into 48 sections, reflecting all main areas of the modern fundamental and applied science.
The Conference welcomes students (specialists, bachelors and masters), postgraduate students and young scientists from any country of the world under the age of 35 – including students, postgraduates and staff of universities and academic institutions from Russia and abroad.
Working languages of the Conference are Russian and English.
Those wishing to participate in the Conference should submit their proposal/abstract to the organizing committee STRICKTLY through the electronic registration system before 16th of February 2024 (inclusive). Applications are submitted via the scientific and educational portal "Lomonosov" (lomonosov-msu.ru). Abstracts stylesheet can be found there. Applications received by email are neither considered nor registered.