30th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
The vanguard of the digital transformation of public administration: strategies, technologies, efficiency
We want to invite you to an open discussion of the results of research work in the field of "smart" public administration.
Within the framework of the International Scientific Conference of Students, postgraduates and Young Scientists "Lomonosov-2023" at the Graduate School of Public Administration (Faculty) An international scientific and practical conference is being held at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Topic: "The vanguard of the digital transformation of public administration: strategies, technologies, efficiency"
Date: April 13-14, 2023
Time: 14.00-18.00
Location: 119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory Street, building 1, building 61, Faculty auditorium
Form: offline and online in face-to-face and remote format (on the Microsoft Teams platform)
Link to Microsoft Teams to connect: Posted on the website of the GSPA (Faculty) of Moscow State University
13:30 – 14:00 April 14, 2023
Plenary session (opening of the discussion).
Speakers / Moderators:
Director of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Makarov V.L.
Deputy Director of the Graduate School of Public Administration for Academic Affairs - Varenik M.S.
Director of the Youth Career Center of the GSPA - Melnik P.V.
Head of the Department Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Activities and Additional Education of the GSPA - Nazarenko S.V.
Postgraduate Students' Section. Regional Economy, Industrial Economy and Innovation Economy: from strategy to development practice
April 13, 2023 18.00-21.30
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Novikova I.V.
2. Musaev R.A.
3. Vlasyuk L.I.
4. Shevchenko K.V.
Working hours of sections № 1-8: 14.00-15.30, 16.00-17.30
Section 1. Information support of the activities of federal executive authorities.
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Arshinova A.I.
2. Rakhmanov V.V.
3. Egorov A.I.
4. Bokarev P.A.
Section 2. Weak and strong artificial intelligence in management practices.
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Samsonov R.O.
2. Kuznetsova O.I.
3. Pushkar G.A.
4. Sedykh T.N.
Section 3. Key performance indicators of digital public administration.
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Molchanov I.N.
2. Alimuradov M.K.
3. Yurasova M.V.
4. Belousov F.A.
Section 4. Media communications of state and municipal authorities.
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Vartanov S.A.
2. Nesterenko E.V.
3. Muronets O.V.
4. Kuftina A.I.
Section 5. Artificial intelligence and "smart" public administration: from retrospectivity to prospective control (supervision).
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Bykov A.I.
2. Belanov I.S.
3. Kharchenko K.V.
4. Arifulina G.M.
Section 6. Artificial intelligence technologies in the provision of state and municipal services.
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Malikova O.I.
2. Levchenko T.G.
3. Panich N.
A. 4. Patenkova V.Yu.
Section 7. Artificial intelligence in control and supervisory activities.
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Orlova L.N.
2. Dekhanova N.G.
3. Nazarenko S.V.
4. Fedorova Yu.A.
Section 8. Values of patriotism and professionalism of state and municipal employees.
Members of the competition commission / moderators of the subsection:
1. Varenik M.S.
2. Belikova E.K.
3. Melnik P.V.
4. Aribzhanova D.Z.
17:30 – 18:00 April 14, 2023
Plenary session (summing up, adoption of the resolution): "The vanguard of the digital transformation of public administration: strategies, technologies, efficiency"
Speakers / Moderators:
Director of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Makarov V.L.
Deputy Director of the Graduate School of Public Administration for Academic Affairs - Varenik M.S.
Director of the Youth Career Center of the GSPA - Melnik P.V.
Head of the Department Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Activities and Additional Education of the GSPA - Nazarenko S.V.
The registration, venue and recommendations for the preparation of the presentation of the speech and scientific publication in the collection of scientific papers of teachers, graduate students and undergraduates of the Graduate School of Public Administration will be announced in the near future. Stay tuned on our website.
Members of the Program Committee of the International Scientific and Practical Conference at the Graduate School of Public Administration "Vanguard of digital transformation of Public Administration: strategies, technologies, efficiency":
1. Makarov V.L.
2. Varenik M.S.
3. Novikova I.V.
4. Arshinova A.I.
5. Alimuradov M.K.
6. Belanov I.S.
7. Belikova E.K.
8. Bykov A.I.
9. Vartanov S.A.
10. Dekhanova N.G.
11. Zadorozhnaya O.V.
12. Kuznetsova O.I.
13. Levchenko T.G.
14. Malikova O.I.
15. Molchanov I.N.
16. Musaev R.A.
17. Nesterenko E.V.
18. Orlova L.N.
19. Rakhmanov V.V.
20. Samsonov R.O.
Members of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific and Practical Conference at the Graduate School of Public Administration "Vanguard of digital transformation of Public Administration: strategies, technologies, efficiency":
1. Makarov V.L.
2. Varenik M.S.
3. Melnik P.V.
4. Nazarenko S.V.
5. Aribzhanova D.Z.
6. Arifulina G.M.
7. Belousov F.A.
8. Bokarev P.A.
9. Vlasyuk L.I.
10. Egorov A.I.
11. Kuftina A.I.
12. Muronets O.V.
13. Panich N.
14. Patenkova V.Yu.
15. Pushkar G.A.
16. Sedykh T.N.
17. Fedorova Yu.A.
18. Kharchenko K.V.
19. Shevchenko K.V.
20. Yurasova M.V.
Program and Organizational Committees