29th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Theory, History and Methodology of Translation
1. General theory, history, and didactics of translation;
2. Methodology of translation
3. Literary translation: methodology and criticism;
4. Comparative linguistics and discourse studies;
5. Digital technologies in translation.
Session organizing committee:
Chairperson – Nikolay Garbovsky, Dr. Hab, professor, director of Higher School of Translation and Interpreting;
Deputy chairperson – Olga Kostikova, PhD, associate professor, deputy director for research;
Secretary – Elena Meshkova, PhD, associate professor.
Members of the committee:
Vladimir Litvinov, deputy director; Kuzma Nikiforov, system administrator; Grigoriy Poleshchuk, public relations specialist.
Contact information:
Address: 199991, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, 51 (the first humanities building).
E-mail: science_hsti@mail.ru