Lomonosov 2019

International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Lomonosov"

Москва, Россия
Registration is closed
Political Science

International student, postgraduate and young scientist conference «Lomonosov–2019»


Sustainability and Stability of Modern Political Systems: The Experience of Russia, China and the United States



Chairman of the Section


A.Y. Shutov, doctor of historical sciences, professor, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University




A.L. Demchuk, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor,
Deputy dean of the Faculty of Political Science


I.I. Kuznetsov, doctor of political sciences, professor
at the Chair of History and Theory of politics,
advisor of the Faculty Dean


A.F. Yakovleva, candidate of political sciences, Leading researcher
at the Chair of History and Theory of Politics,
Head of Departament of Research and Science Communications


Executive secretary


K.G. Filimonov 


Members of the Organizing Committee


doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Kovalenko V.I. 
full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of political sciences, professor Pivovarov Y. S.
doctor of economic sciences Slutsky L.E. 
doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Shestopal E.B. 
doctor of political sciences, professor Shirinyants A.A.
doctor of political sciences Yakunin V.I.



The Jury Expert


candidate of historical sciences Abramova M.G.
candidate of philosophical sciences Artamonova Y.D.
candidate of political sciences Bubnov A.Y.
doctor of political sciences Vasilenko I.A.,
candidate of political sciences Vilisov M.V
candidate of historical sciences Evgenyeva T.V.
candidate of political sciences Zverev A.L.
doctor of political sciences Kapicyn V.M.
candidate of historical sciences Karateev A.Y. 
candidate of political sciences Kompleev A.V.,
doctor of philosophical sciences Kostin A.I. 
doctor of philosophical sciences Kochetkov A.P.
doctor of political sciences Manoylo A.V.
candidate of political sciences Myrikova A.V.
candidate of sociological sciences Palitaj I.S.
candidate of political sciences Prokudin B.A
doctor of political sciences Seleznyova A.V
candidate of political sciences Smulkina N.V.
candidate of political sciences Stoletov O.V.
candidate of political sciences Telin K.O.
candidate of historical sciences Topychkanov A.V.
candidate of historical sciences 
Сherevyk С.A. 
candidate of political sciences Khudorenko E.A. 
doctor of philosophical sciences Tsygankov P.A. 
doctor of political sciences Shelistov Y.I. 
candidate of political sciences Yakovleva A.F.



  1. National interests and national security of Russia in the conditions of global challenges

  2. Global political studies and globalization and regionalization issues in the modern world

  3. Westphalian world and development of the modern states: comparative studies

  4. The purposes and resources of Russian foreign policy in the changing world

  5. Eurasian integration: issues and ways of sorting out 

  6. Psychological state of society and power as the factor of sustainable political development

  7. Youth in the conditions of sustainable political development and destabilization of political systems: international experience and Russian practice

  8. Concepts of sustainability and stability of state in the history of political thought

  9. Public policy and administration in the conditions of political turbulence: the experiences of Russia, China and the United States

  10. Digital technologies as the factor of social and political order transformation in the modern states

  11. Theoretical and methodological aspects of research of stability and sustainability in modern political systems





Executive secretary:

Kirill Filimonov
