
32nd International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"

Москва, Россия
Until 9 march 2025 23:59
General Requirements for Formatting Abstracts in Sections with Word File Upload

This guideline pertains to the following sections::
- Oriental and African Studies, 
Innovative Economics and Econometrics,
Soil Science,
- Teaching Russian Language and Fundamental Disciplines to Foreign Students,
Translation Theory, History, and Methodology,
- Subsections on the History of Ancient Civilizations and History of Art.

Специальные требования для остальных секций, использующих загрузку Word-файла, приведены в другом разделе.

  1. The document should be prepared in Microsoft Word format (either .doc or .docx file extension, depending on the specific section's requirements).

  2. Use Times New Roman font with a size of 12 points, and set the line spacing to 1.0. Margins: Set the top and bottom margins to 20 mm and the left and right margins to 24 mm. For the "Physics" section, use the following margins: Top: 2 cm Bottom: 2.22 cm Left and Right: 2.4 cm

  3. Images and graphs should be clear and presented in grayscale (black-and-white), with the option to use black hatching if necessary. Table headings should not be shaded or printed in bold font. Individual table cells should only be highlighted in gray (black) if the shading carries semantic meaning.

  4. Formulas should be created using the built-in MS Equation Editor. Please avoid manual hyphenation when writing and formatting your document. (manual hyphenation).

  5. Abstracts must include the following information:
    Article title: Place the title on a new line, centered, using Times New Roman 12, bold, without indentation.
    Author(s): On the next line, center and list authors' names using Times New Roman 12, bold, and italic.
    Format: Last name, space, initials without spaces. For multiple authors, separate names with commas. If authors have different affiliations, use numerical superscripts after each surname.
    Author status and degree: On the following line, center and list the author's current status (e.g., student, doctoral candidate, or staff member) and academic degree (if applicable) in Times New Roman 12, italic, centered, and without indentation.
    Affiliation(s): On the next line, center and list the full name of the university/institute, faculty, city, and country in Times New Roman 12, italic, and centered.
    Email address: On the subsequent line, center and list the author's email address in Times New Roman 12, italic, and centered.
    If multiple authors work in different organizations, place a numerical superscript after each author's initials corresponding to their respective affiliations. If there's only one author or all authors work in the same organization, superscripts are unnecessary. Do not place periods after the headings.

  6. The main body of the abstract should follow these guidelines: Use Times New Roman font, size 12. Align the text in justified format. Indent the beginning of each new paragraph by 0.7 cm.

  7. The length of abstracts for natural sciences sections should not exceed 1 typed page (A4 format), while abstracts for humanities sections and the "Physics" section should not exceed 2 pages, including both the introductory information and bibliography.

  8. References should be formatted using square brackets with a corresponding number referencing the bibliography. Within the square brackets in the text of the abstract, indicate the number of the reference in the bibliography (the bibliography should be organized in alphabetical order and numbered).

  9. Abstracts must be written with proper grammar, without spelling, punctuation, or stylistic errors. For special notations, use superscripts and subscripts as appropriate (e.g., CO₂ or m²).

Abstract Sample Format:

Internal Migration Determinants in Modern Russia

Ivanov Ivan Andreevich 

Senior Lecturer

Lomonosov Moscow State University, 

Faculty of Economics, Moscow, Russia

E–mail: ivanov@yandex.ru

     In modern Russia, the level of internal migration is extremely low. While the average US resident changes their place of residence about 13 times throughout their life, the average Russian citizen does so only slightly more than 1.5 times [2, 3]. Unlike economically developed countries where internal migration serves as the primary mechanism for redistributing the population between regions in response to changes in political, socioeconomic, and demographic conditions, internal migration in Russia is not currently a significant factor in balancing interregional differences in socioeconomic development.

Continuation of the Main Abstract Text

     The conducted research indicates that increasing population mobility between the country's regions is a crucial prerequisite for reducing interregional disparities in socioeconomic development levels in modern Russia. This, in turn, will foster the nation's sustainable economic growth in the near future. By addressing the factors hindering internal migration and promoting policies that support mobility, Russia can take significant strides towards achieving more balanced and inclusive development across its diverse territories.


  1. Aleshkovskiy, I. A. (2007). Internal migration in modern Russia. Moscow: TEIS.

  2. Ivanov, I. A., & Ivanov, V. A. (2006). Determinants of internal migration in modern Russia. Bulletin of Moscow University, Series 6: Economics, 2.

  3. Ivanov, I. A. (2006). Determinants of internal migration: An analysis of domestic and foreign studies. (Ed. V. A. Iontsev). Moscow: Max Press.

  4. Cadwallader, M. T. (1992). Migration and residential mobility: Macro and micro approaches. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.

  5. Pandit, K. (1997). Cohort and period effects in U.S. migration: How demographic and economics cycle influence the migration schedule. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 87(3), 439-450.

  6. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat). www.gks.ru