32nd International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
In 2025, the work of the Political Science section will be organized into the following subsections:
1. Politicization of non-political spheres in the modern world: trends and technologies,
2. Politics in the historical process,
3. Memorial Wars: Legacy of the Past, Contradictions of the Present, Projections of the Future,
4. Political knowledge in the modern era: new directions and methods,
5. Foreign history of social and political thought,
6. Russian history of social and political thought,
7. Political textology,
8. Youth Policy in modern Russia: social, psychological and managerial aspects,
9. Political and psychological peculiarities of political processes in modern Russia and in the world,
10. Contemporary Politics in a Coflictogenic Digital Space,
11. Russia in the face of confrontation with the «collective West»,
12. Gamification in the political process: structure, properties, functions, dynamics,
13. Present day Russian Statehood: New Challenges and Development Strategies,
14. Artificial intelligence technologies in modern politics,
15. State-civilizations in the emerging polycentric world order: a comparative analysis,
16. What's it worth: price and values in economic policy,
17. Russia's Foreign policy in the context of a special military operation: new views,
18. Topical issues of social and political development: the view of young researchers (Section of Scientific Student Society and Youth scientific Council).
Contacts of the Section's Executive Secretary:
Kozlova Darya Andreevna