
32nd International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"

Москва, Россия
Until 9 march 2025 23:59
Section "Sociology"

Дата публикации: 2025-02-01 12:00

Section "Sociology"
Within the framework of the XXXII International Youth Scientific Forum "Lomonosov"
April 11-25, 2025 - the Forum will be held
April 17, 2025 – holding of the section "Sociology"

The structure of the "Sociology" section
1. Modern sociology
Supervisor - Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Nadezhda Gennadievna Osipova
Moderators (members of the jury) – assoc. Lyadova A.V., Assoc. Vershinina I.A.
2. Public policy
The leaders are Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Nadezhda Gennadievna Osipova, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Sergey Olegovich Yelishev, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Pavel Sergeevich Kanevsky
Moderator (member of the jury) – Assoc. Kanevsky P.S.
3. Economic sociology and management
The supervisor is Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Sergey Alexandrovich Barkov.
Moderator (member of the jury) – Assoc. Markeeva A.V. 
4. Social technologies in the management of social processes 
Supervisor - Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor Gavrilenko Olga Vladimirovna
Moderator (member of the jury) – Assoc. Karpova N.V. 
5. Sociology of state management 
Supervisor - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Vasiliev Vladimir Petrovich
Moderator (member of the jury) – Assoc. Dekhanova N.G.
6. Sociology of education
The head is Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Larisa V. Temnova, the section is conducted jointly with the Scientific Student Society.
Moderator (member of the jury) – Prof. Temnova L.V., Assoc. Zyryanov V.V.
7. Sociology of family and demography
The supervisor is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Antonov Anatoly Ivanovich
Moderator (member of the jury) – Assoc. Novoselova E.N.
8. Sociology of communication
The head is Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Mammadov Agamali Kulamovich
Moderator (member of the jury) – Assoc. Korkia E.D.

Ответственный секретарь секции: Лядова Анна Васильевна
Консультант секции: Баранов Николай Вадимович 

Контакты секции "Социология":
Почта: nco.socio@org.msu.ru
Телефон / факс: +7 (895) 197 92 41