Innovation in chemistry: progress and prospects - Lomonosov 2017
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Innovation in chemistry: progress and prospects
Organization committee
- RAS academician Vunin Valeriy Vasilyevich (chairman)
- prof. Tishkov Vadimir Ivanovich (vice chairman)
- Bezrukov Dmitry Sergeevich (secretary)
- Voronin Oleg Sergeevich
- Klokov Sergey Valeryevich
- Efimova Anna Alexandrovna
- Dubinina Tatiana Valentinovna
- Shiryaeva Ekaterina Sergeevna
- Chernysheva Mariya Grigoryevna
- Smirnov Sergey Alexandrovich
- Analytical chemistry
- Macromolecular compounds
- History of chemistry
- Catalysis
- Inorganic chemistry (students)
- Inorganic chemistry (PhD students and young scientists)
- Organic chemistry
- Radiochemistry and Radioecology
- Physical chemistry - I (adsorption, surface processes, electrochemistry, colloidal chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, quantum Сhemistry, high energy chemistry
- Physical chemistry – II (chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics)
- Life science, Nanobiomaterials, and Nanobiotechnology